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Tuesday, October 18, 2011

025.007 Firmware Update Released

If you haven't heard yet, the new firmware update for Symbian^3 (that's you, N8 users) is now available over the air by going to your dialler, type in *#0000# and in options, check for updates. No one really knows what this update does but from what we know, it's to introduce you to Nokia Store (changed from Ovi Store) and to fix some bugs from the previous release. You'll get a screen something like this except of course it will be a Nokia N8.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

N8 Problems Updating to Anna

Here's a troubleshooting guide that Nokia released to help those that are struggling to get Symbian Anna update installed on their Nokia N8. I have a feeling Anna is partially installed on my N8 and I am in the process of figuring out what I need to do as well. Good luck to all, leave comments about your problems

Generic Symbian Anna update troubleshooting:

  • FA136052: Why don’t I see Symbian Anna update packages in the software update client on my phone?
There could be several reasons.
1) Symbian Anna has not been released for your country yet and therefore no update is available yet.
2) Symbian Anna has been released for your country but you are using
                a) a productcode that belongs to an operator that has not approved the update yet
                b) a productcode that belongs to a country that has not released the update yet
3) You have checked for software updates in the last 24h and your phone is not showing new available updates, as it is only connecting to the server once every 24h and any other time only check its memory. To clear your phone’s cache, tap the Clock on your homescreen and change the date of your phone to next day (via Settings). For example, if todays date is 6th Nov, then set the date to 7th Nov. This will make existing updates visible.

  • FA136053: Why don’t I see Symbian Anna update packages in OviSuite?
There could be several reasons.
1) Symbian Anna has not been released for your country yet and therefore no update is available yet.
2) Symbian Anna has been released for your country but you are using
                a) a productcode that belongs to an operator that has not approved the update yet
                b) a productcode that belongs to a country that has not released the update yet
3) You have checked for software updates in the last 24h and OviSuite is not showing new available updates, as it is only connecting to the server once every 24h and any other time only check its cache. Available updates will get visible after 24h – or try to update via the software update client in your phone (by using WiFi).

  • FA135977: Why don’t I see Symbian Anna after just having my phone updated over the air via the Software Update client?
In some product codes/phone variants when updating via OTA (over the air) it is not possible to jump from the existing software version directly to Symbian Anna, if another software release has been accepted for that phone variant in between the old software and Anna. In this case when using OTA the intermediate software versions need to be installed first.
If using Ovi Suite or Nokia Software Updater (NSU) all variants of Symbian Anna supported phones can be updated directly to Symbian Anna.

  • FA136073: Why can’t I download Symbian Anna application packages (Installation fails)?
The reason for this is most likely a problem with existing QT files on your phone. Please try the following:
A) Solution1 – especially if you have “Nokia bubbles” on your phone
-          Install the following QT files on the C: drive of your phone in exactly this sequence
-          While you install above QT files you MUST keep the following things in mind:
*Installation must be done to C: drive of the phone. If you by mistake select E: drive, you can cancel the installation and re-install again. If E: drive installation is complete, you can re-install one more time and select C: drive for installation.
*Installation order must be met. First it has to be QT (QtSA4.7.301.sisx).
-          Open the software update client on your phone via Menu>Applications>(Tools>)Softwareupdate
-          Select the shown Symbian Anna application packages and start the update
B) Solution2:
- Launch the File manager on your phone (Typically found: Menu -> Applications -> Office -> File mgr.)
- Choose Options -> Find -> E: Mass memory -> Root folder
- In the “Find text:” window, type “*.sisx” (without double quote) and the select find.
- It will display many sisx files starting with “TMP”. Example: TMP3efa4.sisx.
- Now select Options -> Mark multiple items  and now mark all sisx starting with “TMP”.
- After marking them select Options -> Delete and delete all of them.
- Now tap the Clock on your homescreen and change the date of your phone to next day (via Settings). For example, if todays date is 6th Nov, then set the date to 7th Nov. This is needed to clear the software update cache and make new updates visible.
- Open the “SW update” application.
- Select the shown Symbian Anna application packages and start the update

  • FA135984: Why have I lost Quickoffice and Adobe pdf reader after downloading and installing Symbian Anna?
It’s crucial that you not only download the operating system but also the Symbian Anna application packages. They are available via Ovi Suite update or over the air (depending on your country and operator) as well. The package called Symbian Anna 1/2 contains the Quickoffice and pdf reader, and Symbian Anna 2/2 contains other important service updates, so we recommend updating everything you see in Ovi Suite or the Software Update client.

  • FA136033: Why do I get an error message “Phone setup: Feature not supported” after the update to Symbian Anna?
The message will vanish as soon as the application package Symbian Anna 2/2 is installed, which is part of the Symbian Anna update.

  • FA136059: Why do I get Error 12017 when trying to update to Symbian Anna via OviSuite?
Error 12017 (FailDeviceError) means that the device is not responding.  
1. Check if the device reboots normally. If it doesn’t, Nokia OVI suite cannot talk to it.
2. Check if it connects to Windows through USB normally and it is in “OVI Suite” mode. Make sure USB connection works reliably and the USB driver is up to date. You can also try to change the USB port if there is USB hub or internal hub in laptop computer that can work less reliably.

  • FA135962: What happens if I skip the application updates (i.e. have only downloaded the operating system update) while updating to Symbian Anna?
Application updates are classified as either mandatory (Symbian Anna 1/2), important (Symbian Anna 2/2), or optional (Social, Ovi Store, Angry birds). If those application updates are not done, your experience will not be optimal. Without these updates you'd:
- not have Adobe PDF reader. 
- not have Quickoffice.
- not have Microsoft Office Communicator.
- not have In Device Search.
- not have Internet Radio.
- not have Social client.
- not have a working music store.
- have issues with Phone feature is not supported appearing every boot.
- have subtitle support missing from Video player.
- miss all Surround icons for apps that are included in the application packages  
- miss all the error fixes to the service/TPO clients.
- miss all the enablers ( NAC, Qt, SSO, Ovi Notifications ..).
- The email attachments can’t be read as Quickoffice/Adobe reader won’t function.
-  You might see mixed old & new icons in the menu or Homescreen.
No further application updates can be done unless the mandatory Symbian Anna package is installed.

  • FA135983: Why do I get the message "Phone feature not supported" after the Symbian Anna upgrade?
This message is displayed if only the Symbian Anna device upgrade has been installed, but not the Symbian Anna Application packages. Install the Symbian Anna Update 1/2 and Symbian Anna Update 2/2 as that will solve the issue.

  • FA136026: What is included in the Symbian Anna Update ½ and 2/2 application packages?  
Symbian Anna Update 1/2 includes the following:
Adobe (PDF) reader 10.00(245) / Quickoffice 6.04(460) / QT 4.7.3 / QT Mobility 1.1.3. / Qt webkit 4.8.0. / CPService_2.0.11119 / CWRTCore_1.0.11124 / LKM_1.0.11051 / ONSP_1.2.11120 / OVI 1.0.11121. / SCP_2.0.11121. / SSOUI_1.3.11120 / SSO_1.3.11120 / SSOUserName_widget_1.0.0 / ServiceProvider_1.0.11124 / CP_ launcher 2.1.1 / Veveo Indevice Search 2.39.201
Symbian Anna Update 2/2 includes the following:
2.3.6 - NAC. / 13.2.24 - Ovi Music 1.1. / 3.6.688 - Maps 3 SR6. / OviMaps-OriginOfDownload-3.6.1. / SignInEnabler_92_1_0NOCS. / Maps_ODML. / Internet Radio 3.03(0) / MS Communicator 2.01.369 / Psiloc font magnifier 3.2.0. / Shazam 3.01(0) / Jolkuspot 3.10. / Video Player 9.23(62). / Here and Now 2.0.3 / Internet Search Engine 3.0.8 / Home Screen Search Widget 2.0.5
Additional SW Update may contain the following optional applications:
Ovi Store 2.12.042 / Social 1.3.237 / NFC Sharing + Angry Birds Free with Magic

  • FA135982: How should I update Symbian Anna if I’m in an area with weak network coverage?We recommend to do the Symbian Anna update via Ovi Suite or via WiFi because of the update size (>80MB for over the air updates) and corresponding download times.

  • FA136058: How do I update to Symbian Anna when my productcode belongs to a “SWAP” device?
Nokia doesn’t offer Symbian Anna updates via OviSuite or OTA for productcodes that are linked to a SWAP device at the moment. Please go to your local Nokia Carepoint to get your phone updated.

iPhone 4S vs Nokia N8 Camera

Claims that the iphone 4S has the best camera on a smartphone has angered many commentators and now AllAboutSymbian author Steve Litchfield puts the numbers up to show just how much the new iphone falls short of the Nokia N8.

In his analysis, the Nokia N8 as more than twice the amount of light captured by the camera or "raw light gathering ability", making dimly lit rooms a challenge for the new iPhone 4S. He also looked at the sensor size of the N8, which has the biggest sensor of any mobile camera on the market, compared to the Apple iPhone 4S camera, finding it 75% larger and more able to create photos that have more depth.

Head over to for the whole article.